Empowering Renters

Solar energy has become a compelling choice for homeowners in Calgary and across Canada, offering financial savings and environmental benefits. But what about those who don’t own their homes? Can renters also take advantage of solar power and reduce their carbon footprint? The answer is a resounding yes. In this guide, we will explore the possibilities and solutions for renters in Calgary who aspire to embrace solar energy, thanks to innovative offerings from a leading solar company.

Challenges Faced by Renters

Renters face unique challenges when it comes to adopting solar energy. Typically, installing solar panels on a rental property is not straightforward. The following obstacles can make it difficult for renters to harness the power of the sun:

  1. Limited Control: Renters have limited control over the properties they occupy, making it challenging to make permanent alterations like installing solar panels on rooftops.
  2. Financial Constraints: Investing in a solar energy system can be expensive. Renters may not be willing or able to make such an investment in a property they don’t own.
  3. Long-Term Commitments: Solar panel installations often require long-term contracts or agreements. Renters, who may move frequently, are less likely to commit to such agreements.
  4. Permission Hurdles: Obtaining the landlord’s permission for significant modifications can be a bureaucratic challenge.

Despite these hurdles, renters should not be discouraged. A solar company in Calgary offers alternative solutions tailored to non-homeowners, allowing them to access the benefits of clean, renewable solar energy.

Community Solar Gardens

One solution gaining popularity is the concept of community solar gardens. These initiatives allow renters and others without suitable rooftops to invest in solar energy collectively. Here’s how they work:

  1. Shared Ownership: In a community solar garden, multiple participants come together to collectively invest in a shared solar energy system. Each participant owns a portion of the system, represented by the number of panels or units they purchase.
  2. Energy Credits: The solar energy generated by the community garden is typically fed into the local electrical grid, and participants receive credits on their electricity bills. The credits are proportional to the amount of energy their owned panels generate.
  3. Low or No Installation Costs: Community solar gardens alleviate the need for participants to install panels on their rental properties. They can still access solar energy savings without incurring installation costs.
  4. Flexibility and Portability: Unlike rooftop panels, community solar gardens offer greater flexibility. Participants can move and still benefit from their solar investment as long as they remain in the utility service area.
  5. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Participants in community solar gardens directly contribute to a reduced carbon footprint by supporting clean energy generation.
  6. Involvement in Local Initiatives: Supporting community solar gardens is a way for renters to actively participate in Calgary’s sustainable energy initiatives.

Virtual Net Metering

Virtual net metering is another solution offered by the solar company in Calgary that benefits renters. This concept enables renters to virtually connect to solar installations at other locations, such as off-site solar farms or large commercial installations. Here’s how it works:

  1. Remote Solar Access: Renters can access the benefits of solar energy from remote solar installations without physically having panels on their rented properties.
  2. Credit Allocation: The solar energy generated from these remote installations is measured, and the corresponding energy credits are allocated to the renters’ electricity bills.
  3. Reduced Electricity Costs: Renters see reductions in their electricity bills due to the credits earned from the remotely located solar panels.
  4. Support for Renewable Energy: Virtual net metering allows renters to support and benefit from renewable energy generation without the need for rooftop installations.
  5. Flexibility and Accessibility: The system is flexible, as renters can still enjoy solar energy benefits while moving within the service area of the remote solar installation.

Tips for Renters Interested in Solar Energy

If you’re a renter in Calgary considering solar energy, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Research Community Solar Gardens: Look for community solar garden initiatives in your area. Explore their terms, ownership structures, and the energy credits they offer.
  2. Understand Virtual Net Metering: Inquire about virtual net metering options available through the solar company in Calgary. Understand the cost savings and involvement requirements.
  3. Seek Landlord Approval: Discuss your interest in solar energy with your landlord. While not all may be open to the idea, some landlords may be willing to cooperate and even invest in solar energy solutions for their properties.
  4. Assess Your Energy Consumption: Evaluate your energy consumption to determine the potential benefits of community solar gardens or virtual net metering. The savings you can achieve will depend on your usage patterns.
  5. Check the Solar Company’s Offerings: Reach out to a reputable solar company in Calgary that specializes in providing solutions for renters. Inquire about their offerings and see how they can accommodate your specific needs.


Solar energy is not limited to homeowners; renters in Calgary can also tap into its benefits. Community solar gardens and virtual net metering are innovative solutions that enable non-homeowners to participate in clean energy initiatives and reduce their carbon footprint. As solar technology continues to advance, the possibilities for renters to access solar energy are expanding, offering a brighter and more sustainable future for everyone, regardless of their homeownership status.

Review Empowering Renters: Solar Solutions in Calgary for Non-Homeowners.

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